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Influence of transition-metal additions on the thermal stability of Fe80TM3B17 quasi-eutectic metallic glasses, A, Lovas, Gránásy László, Zámbó-Balla K, and Király J , Proceedings of The Conference On Metallic Glasses : Science and Technology, p.291-297, (1981)
CRYSTALLIZATION OF GLASSY FE84B16-XCX (X=0 TO 10) ALLOYS, Arajs, S, CATON R, ELGAMAL MZ, Gránásy László, Balogh J, GZIRAKI A, and Vincze I , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 25, p.127-135, (1982)
CRYSTALLIZATION OF GLASSY FE84B16-XCX (X=0 TO 10) ALLOYS, Arajs, S, ELGAMAL MZ, CATON R, MOYER CA, Gránásy László, Balogh J, GZIRAKI A, and Vincze I , Bulletin of The American Physical Society, Volume 26, Issue 3, p.249-249, (1981)
Structure and crystallization of Fe84B16-xCx glasses, Balogh, J, Cziráki A, Gránásy László, Nagy DL, Arajs S, and Gamal MZ El , Kfki Report, Volume 100, p.1-6, (1980)
Influence of atomic substitution on short range order in amorphous Fe84B16-xCx, Balogh, J, Dézsi I, Fogarassy B, Gránásy László, Nagy DL, Vincze I, and Arajs S , Journal De Physique Colloques, Volume 41, Issue C1, p.C1-253-C1-254, (1980)
Diffusion amorphization and interface properties of Fe-B multilayers, Balogh, J, Bujdosó L, Kemény T, Pusztai Tamás, Tóth L, and Vincze I , Applied Physics A - Materials Science and Processing, Volume 65, Issue 1, p.23-27, (1997)
Tailoring Fe/Ag superparamagnetic composites by multilayer deposition, Balogh, J, Kaptás D, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, Szilagyi E, Tunyogi A, Swerts J, Vandezande S, Temst K, and Van Haesendonck C , Applied Physics Letters, Volume 87, Issue 10, (2005)
Interface magnetoresistance of Fe/Ag multilayers, Balogh, J, Vincze I, Kaptás D, Kemény T, Pusztai Tamás, Kiss LF, Szilagyi E, Zolnai Z, Kezsmarki I, Halbritter A, et al. , Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, Volume 189, Issue 3, p.621-624, (2002)
Magnetic properties of superparamagnet/ferromagnet heterostructures, Balogh, J, Csontos M, Kaptás D, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, Swerts J, Vandezande S, Temst K, Van Haesendonck C, and Mihaly G , Physica Status Solidi C-Conferences and Critical Reviews, Volume 1, Issue 12, p.3235-3238, (2004)
Atomic and magnetic structure of the interface in multilayers, Balogh, J, Kaptás D, Kemény T, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 141-142, Issue 1-4, p.13-20, (2002)
Nucleation controlled transformation in ball milled FeB, Balogh, J, Bujdosó L, Faigel Gy, Gránásy László, Kemény T, Vincze I, Szabó S, and Bakker H , Nanostructured Materials, Volume 2, p.11-18, (1993)
Absence of evidences of decomposition of Fe2B during mechanical grinding, Balogh, J, Horvath ZE, Pusztai Tamás, Kemény T, and Vincze I , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume B57, p.29-32, (1998)
Comparison of powder and single crystal data of C60(C14H10O2) an oxygen containing anthracene derivative of C60, Bortel, G, Oszlányi G, Faigel G, Tegze M, Pusztai Tamás, and Pekker S , Materials Science Forum, Volume 228-231, p.879-884, (1996)
Structural and physical properties of intermediate K1C60, Bortel, G, Faigel G, Gránásy László, Oszlányi G, Tegze M, Jánossy A, Stephens PW, and Forró L , Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.327-330, (1995)
Molecular and crystal structure of the AC60 (A=K, Rb) dimer phase, Bortel, G, Pekker S, Gránásy László, Faigel G, and Oszlányi G , Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 58, p.1893-1896, (1997)
Fizikai Laboratóriumi Gyakorlatok I-II. (Physics Laboratory Practices I-II)., Bortel, G, Fülöp F, Gránásy László, Jákli A, Mezei M, Nagy T T. -, Tóth A, and Vannay L , (2000)
Regular dendritic patterns in liquid crystals induced by non-local time-periodic forcing., Börzsönyi, T, Tóth-Katona T, A Buka, and Gránásy László , Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 62, p.7817-7827, (2000)
Dendrites regularized by spatially homogeneous time-periodic forcing., Börzsönyi, T, Tóth-Katona T, A Buka, and Gránásy László , Physical Review Letters, Volume 83, Issue 14, p.2853-2586, (1999)
CRYSTALLIZATION AND LOCAL ORDER OF BULK ASXTE1-X GLASSES, Faigel, G, Gránásy László, Vincze I, and Dewaard H , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 57, p.411-421, (1983)
CORRELATION BETWEEN THE ATOMIC AND ELECTRONIC-STRUCTURE OF METALLIC GLASSES, Faigel, G, Gránásy László, Kemény T, LOVAS A, Vincze I, Hoving W, Scholte Pmlo, Vanderwoude F, Hauert R, Oelhafen P, et al. , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 27, p.381-384, (1986)
Distribution of K ions in intermediate KC60, Faigel, G, Bortel G, Tegze M, Gránásy László, Pekker S, Oszlányi G, Chauvet O, Baumgartner G, Forró L, W P Stephens, et al. , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 52, Issue 5, p.3199-3205, (1995)
Shear enhanced heterogeneous nucleation in some Mg- and Al-alloys, Fan, Zhongyun, Wang Y, Zhang ZF, Xia M, Li HT, Xu J, Gránásy László, and GM Scamans , International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Volume 22, Issue 1-4, p.318-322, (2009)
CEMS INVESTIGATION OF NEAR-SURFACE STRUCTURE, Fetzer, C, Gránásy László, Kemény T, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 57, p.1823-1828, (1990)
CEMS INVESTIGATION OF LASER MELTED FE-ZR ALLOYS, Fetzer, C, Faigel G, Gránásy László, Kemény T, Tegze M, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 59, p.481-484, (1990)
LASER-MELTED AMORPHOUS AND CRYSTALLINE FE-B ALLOYS, Fetzer, C, Gránásy László, Kemény T, Kotai E, Tegze M, Vincze I, Hoving W, and Vanderwoude F , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 42, p.548-554, (1990)
LASER MELTED FE-B ALLOYS, Fetzer, C, Gránásy László, Kemény T, Tegze M, and Vincze I , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 117, p.160-163, (1990)
INVESTIGATION OF THE THERMAL RELAXATION IN GLASSY NI80-XFEXP20 ALLOYS, Fogarassy, B, Bohonyei A, Cziráki A, Szabo I, Faigel G, Gránásy László, Kemény T, and Vincze I , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 61-2, p.907-912, (1984)
