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Ultrafine Fe-Fe2Ti eutectics by directed energy deposition: Insights into microstructure formation based on experimental techniques and phase field modelling,
, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 33, p.101133, (2020)
3D Lattice Boltzmann flow simulations through dendritic mushy zones,
, Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements, Volume 41, (2014)
The Cu and Te coordination environments in Cu-doped Ge-Te glasses,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 151, Issue 21, p.1524-1527, (2011)
Tuning the structure of non-equilibrium soft materials by varying the thermodynamic driving force for crystal ordering,
, Soft Matter, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.1789-1799, (2011)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008),
, Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008),
, Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
From needle crystals to polycrystalline spherulites: a phase field study,
, Proceedings of Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes - Xi, p.15-24, (2006)
Phase field theory of crystal nucleation and polyerystalline growth: A review,
, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 21, Issue 2, p.309-319, (2006)
Polycrystalline patterns in far-from-equilibrium freezing: a phase field study,
, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 86, p.3757-3778, (2006)
On the growth and form of spherulites,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 72, Issue 1, (2005)
A general mechanism of polycrystalline growth,
, Nature Materials, Volume 3, Issue 9, p.645-650, (2004)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys,
, Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys,
, Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Growth of 'dizzy dendrites' in a random field of foreign particles,
, Nature Materials, Volume 2, p.92-96, (2003)
Study and modelling of nucleation and phase selection phenomena: Application to refractory metals and alloys from drop-tube processing.,
, First International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications In Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, p.1123-1130, (2000)
Dimerization in K1C60 and Rb1C60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 51, Issue 18, p.12228-12232, (1995)
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 57, p.411-421, (1983)
Influence of production process on metallic glasses as seen by positron annihilation,
, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference Positron Annihilation, p.601-603, (1982)
Influence of atomic substitution on short range order in amorphous Fe84B16-xCx,
, Journal De Physique Colloques, Volume 41, Issue C1, p.C1-253-C1-254, (1980)