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Thermodynamics of A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) alkali fullerides,
, Fullerene Science and Technology, Volume 5, p.325-342, (1997)
Diffuse interface approach to crystal nucleation,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 215-216, p.451-458, (1996)
Diffuse interface model of nucleation,
, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 167, p.756-765, (1996)
Diffuse interface model of volume nucleation in glasses,
, Thermochimica Acta, Volume 280-281, p.83-100, (1996)
Diffuse interface theory for homogeneous vapor condensation,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 104, p.5188-5198, (1996)
Enthalpies of phase transformations in the alkali fulleride RbC60,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 97, p.573-578, (1996)
Fundamentals of the diffuse interface theory,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry Us, Volume 100, p.10768-10770, (1996)
Phase selection and transformation kinetics in KC60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 54, p.11865-11868, (1996)
Single C-C bond in (C-60)(2)(2-),
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 54, p.11849-11852, (1996)
Single C-C bond in KC60 and RbC60,
, Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, p.354-358, (1996)
Thermodynamic aspects of phase transformations in the A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) alkali fullerides,
, Electrochemical Society Series, Volume 96, p.1080-1092, (1996)
Thermodynamics of phase transformations in the A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) alkali fullerides,
, Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, p.97-101, (1996)
Thermodynamics of polymorphism in AC60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) alkali fullerides,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 53, p.5059-5062, (1996)
"Anomalous" nucleation prefactors revisited: a diffuse interface analysis of crystal ucleation in oxide glasses,
, Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 32, p.1611-1617, (1995)
Differential scanning calorimetry of dimerization and polymerization in the alkali fulleride RbC60,
, Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.331-334, (1995)
Diffuse interface analysis of ice nucleation in undercooled water,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry Us, Volume 99, Issue 38, p.14182-14187, (1995)
Diffuse interface approach to crystal nucleation in glasses,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 192-193, p.470-473, (1995)
Diffuse interface model of volume nucleation in glasses,
, Thermochimica Acta, Volume 267, p.1-18, (1995)
Dimerization in K1C60 and Rb1C60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 51, Issue 18, p.12228-12232, (1995)
Distribution of K ions in intermediate KC60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 52, Issue 5, p.3199-3205, (1995)
Formation of monomer, dimer and polymer phases in the A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) system,
, Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.302-305, (1995)
Infrared and differential-scanning-calorimetry study of the room-temperature cubic phase of RbC60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 52, p.11488-11491, (1995)
Phase transitions in the A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) salts,
, Europhysics Letters, Volume 32, p.721-727, (1995)
Polymorphism of fulleride ions in A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) salts,
, Proceedings of The Symposium On Recent Advances In The Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, p.245-258, (1995)
Structural and physical properties of intermediate K1C60,
, Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.327-330, (1995)
, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 135, p.161-170, (1994)
Diffuse interface model of bulk heterogeneous nucleation,
, Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 31, p.601-606, (1994)
, Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 31, Issue 10, p.1443-1443, (1994)
On the diffuse interface theory of nucleation,
, Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 30, p.621-626, (1994)
Nucleation theory for diffuse interfaces,
, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstrucure and Processing, Volume 178, p.121-124, (1994)