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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is S and Author is Attila Szállás [Clear All Filters]
Ternary eutectic dendrites: Pattern formation and scaling properties,
, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 142, p.154501, (2015)
Phase-Field Modeling of Polycrystalline Solidification: From Needle Crystals to Spherulites-A Review,
, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 45, Issue 4, p.1694-1719, (2014)
Phase-Field Modeling of Solidification in Light-Metal Matrix Nanocomposites,
, Magnesium Technology 2014, p.455-459, (2014)
Helikális mintázat eutektikus ötvözetekben. [Helical patterns in eutectic alloys],
, Fizikai Szemle, Volume 63, Issue 10, p.333-337, (2013)
Spiraling eutectic dendrites,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 87, Issue 3, p.032401, (2013)