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Filters: Author is László Gránásy and First Letter Of Title is D  [Clear All Filters]
Diffuse interface approach to vapour condensation, Gránásy, László , Europhysics Letters, Volume 24, p.121-126, (1993)
Diffuse interface theory of nucleation, Gránásy, László , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 162, p.301-303, (1993)
Diffuse interface model of bulk heterogeneous nucleation, Gránásy, László, Egry I, Ratke J, and Herlach DM , Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 31, p.601-606, (1994)
DIFFUSE INTERFACE MODEL OF BULK HETEROGENEOUS NUCLEATION (VOL 31, PG 601, 1994), Gránásy, László, Egry I, Ratke L, and Herlach DM , Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 31, Issue 10, p.1443-1443, (1994)
On the diffuse interface theory of nucleation, Gránásy, László, Egry I, Ratke J, and Herlach DM , Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 30, p.621-626, (1994)
Differential scanning calorimetry of dimerization and polymerization in the alkali fulleride RbC60, Gránásy, László, Kemény T, Bortel G, Faigel G, Oszlányi G, Tegze M, Pekker S, Jánossy A, and Forró L , Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.331-334, (1995)
Diffuse interface analysis of ice nucleation in undercooled water, Gránásy, László , Journal of Physical Chemistry Us, Volume 99, Issue 38, p.14182-14187, (1995)
Diffuse interface approach to crystal nucleation in glasses, Gránásy, László, and Herlach DM , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 192-193, p.470-473, (1995)
Diffuse interface model of volume nucleation in glasses, Gránásy, László , Thermochimica Acta, Volume 267, p.1-18, (1995)
Dimerization in K1C60 and Rb1C60, Oszlányi, G, Bortel G, Faigel G, Tegze M, Gránásy László, Pekker S, Stephens PW, Bendele G, Dinnebier R, Mihaly G, et al. , Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 51, Issue 18, p.12228-12232, (1995)
Distribution of K ions in intermediate KC60, Faigel, G, Bortel G, Tegze M, Gránásy László, Pekker S, Oszlányi G, Chauvet O, Baumgartner G, Forró L, W P Stephens, et al. , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 52, Issue 5, p.3199-3205, (1995)
Diffuse interface approach to crystal nucleation, Gránásy, László , Materials Science Forum, Volume 215-216, p.451-458, (1996)
Diffuse interface model of nucleation, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and Hartmann E , Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 167, p.756-765, (1996)
Diffuse interface model of volume nucleation in glasses, Gránásy, László , Thermochimica Acta, Volume 280-281, p.83-100, (1996)
Diffuse interface theory for homogeneous vapor condensation, Gránásy, László , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 104, p.5188-5198, (1996)
Diffuse interface model of crystal nucleation, Gránásy, László , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 219, p.49-56, (1997)
Dendrites regularized by spatially homogeneous time-periodic forcing., Börzsönyi, T, Tóth-Katona T, A Buka, and Gránásy László , Physical Review Letters, Volume 83, Issue 14, p.2853-2586, (1999)
Diffuse interface analysis of crystal nucleation in hard-sphere liquid, Gránásy, László, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.10121-11124, (2002)