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Spiraling eutectic dendrites,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 87, Issue 3, p.032401, (2013)
Selected issues of phase-field crystal simulations,
, European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 126, Issue 10, p.102, (2011)
Shear enhanced heterogeneous nucleation in some Mg- and Al-alloys,
, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Volume 22, Issue 1-4, p.318-322, (2009)
Semiempirical Cahn-Hilliard theory of vapor condensation with triple parabolic free energy.,
, Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 534, p.245-248, (2000)
Study and modelling of nucleation and phase selection phenomena in undercooled melts: Application to magnetic alloys of industrial relevance,
, First International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications In Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, p.663-668, (2000)
Study and modelling of nucleation and phase selection phenomena: Application to refractory metals and alloys from drop-tube processing.,
, First International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications In Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, p.1123-1130, (2000)
Structure of Phototransformed C60 revisited,
, Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 486, p.20-23, (1999)
Semiempirical van der Waals/Cahn-Hilliard theory: the size dependence of the Tolman-length,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 109, Issue 22, p.9660-9663, (1998)
Single C-C bond in (C-60)(2)(2-),
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 54, p.11849-11852, (1996)
Single C-C bond in KC60 and RbC60,
, Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, p.354-358, (1996)
Structural and physical properties of intermediate K1C60,
, Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.327-330, (1995)
Structure and stability of crystalline C60-n-pentane clathrate,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 83, Issue 6, p.423-426, (1992)
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 136, Issue 3, p.266-268, (1991)
Simulation of the dendritic solidification during single roller quenching,
, Materials Science Forum, Volume 77, p.211-218, (1991)
Solid-liquid interfacial free energy,
, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstrucure and Processing, Volume 133, p.577-580, (1991)
Specific heat of the superconducting compound YBa2Cu3O7-x in magnetic field,
, High Tc Superconductors, p.95-97, (1988)
Specific heat of YBa2Cu3O7 superconductors in magnetic field,
, Pisma V Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi I Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Volume 46, p.79-81, (1987)
Structure and crystallization of Fe84B16-xCx glasses,
, Kfki Report, Volume 100, p.1-6, (1980)