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CEMS INVESTIGATION OF LASER MELTED FE-ZR ALLOYS, Fetzer, C, Faigel G, Gránásy László, Kemény T, Tegze M, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 59, p.481-484, (1990)
CEMS INVESTIGATION OF NEAR-SURFACE STRUCTURE, Fetzer, C, Gránásy László, Kemény T, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 57, p.1823-1828, (1990)
CRYSTALLIZATION AND LOCAL ORDER OF BULK ASXTE1-X GLASSES, Faigel, G, Gránásy László, Vincze I, and Dewaard H , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 57, p.411-421, (1983)
CRYSTALLIZATION OF GLASSY FE84B16-XCX (X=0 TO 10) ALLOYS, Arajs, S, CATON R, ELGAMAL MZ, Gránásy László, Balogh J, GZIRAKI A, and Vincze I , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 25, p.127-135, (1982)
CRYSTALLIZATION OF FE84B16-XCX METALLIC GLASSES, Cziráki, A, Fogarassy B, Balogh J, Gránásy László, Kemény T, Vincze I, and Arajs S , Mikroskopie, Volume 38, Issue 1-2, p.38-38, (1981)
CRYSTALLIZATION OF GLASSY FE84B16-XCX (X=0 TO 10) ALLOYS, Arajs, S, ELGAMAL MZ, CATON R, MOYER CA, Gránásy László, Balogh J, GZIRAKI A, and Vincze I , Bulletin of The American Physical Society, Volume 26, Issue 3, p.249-249, (1981)