
Found 3 results
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Filters: Author is A, Lovas and First Letter Of Title is I  [Clear All Filters]
Influence of production process on metallic glasses as seen by positron annihilation, Kajcsos, Zs, L Marczis, Gránásy László, Cs Szeles, D Kiss, A Lovas, and G Bauer , Proceedings of The 6th International Conference Positron Annihilation, p.601-603, (1982)
The influence of thermal history on the physical properties of metallic glasses, Gránásy, László, A Lovas, and Kemény T , Proceedings of The Conference On Metallic Glasses : Science and Technology, p.197-202, (1981)
Influence of transition-metal additions on the thermal stability of Fe80TM3B17 quasi-eutectic metallic glasses, A, Lovas, Gránásy László, Zámbó-Balla K, and Király J , Proceedings of The Conference On Metallic Glasses : Science and Technology, p.291-297, (1981)