Crystal growth kinetics as an architectural constraint on the evolution of molluscan shells

Videos from "Crystal growth kinetics as an architectural constraint on the evolution of molluscan shells" PNAS 2019 116 (41) 20388-20397 article.

The concentration field map of the mineral component (bright yellow denotes high concentration of the mineral component, whereas blue indicates the organic reach domains) during the directional solidification of a shell model as predicted by the orientation field based phase-field simulation under the same conditions as the simulation shown in Fig. 7, however, using a larger grid of 2000 × 1000. The black domain on the right represents the mantle.

The orientation field map (different colors stand for different crystallographic orientations) during the directional solidification of a shell model as predicted by the orientation field based phase-field simulation under the same conditions as the simulation shown in Fig. 7, however, using a larger grid of 2000 × 1000. The white domain on the right represents the mantle.
