Molecular scale hydrodynamic theory of crystal nucleation and polycrystalline growth
2022, September 21 - 10:47
Videos from Molecular scale hydrodynamic theory of crystal nucleation and polycrystalline growth article.
Q6 structural analysis: white - unidentified, red - medium range crystallike order, green - bcc.

Hydrodynamic Phase-field Crystal model: Heterogeneous crystal nucleation in fluid flow and the crystallite breaking off the substrate.

Phase-field Crystal model with diffusive dynamics: Q6 structural analysis of crystal nucleation via disordered precursor (amorphous + quasicrystal)

Phase-field Crystal model with linearized hydrodynamics: Q6 structural analysis of crystal nucleation via disordered precursor (amorphous + quasicrystal)
Q6 structural analysis: white - unidentified, red - medium range crystallike order, green - bcc.