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Comparison of modern theories of vapor condensation, Gránásy, László , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 534, p.209-212, (2000)
A SIMPLIFIED TREATMENT OF TRANSIENT NUCLEATION IN CASE OF RAPID QUENCHING, Gránásy, László , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 136, Issue 3, p.266-268, (1991)
Diffuse interface analysis of crystal nucleation in hard-sphere liquid, Gránásy, László, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.10121-11124, (2002)
Diffuse interface model of nucleation, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and Hartmann E , Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 167, p.756-765, (1996)
Semiempirical van der Waals/Cahn-Hilliard theory: the size dependence of the Tolman-length, Gránásy, László , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 109, Issue 22, p.9660-9663, (1998)
On the diffuse interface theory of nucleation, Gránásy, László, Egry I, Ratke J, and Herlach DM , Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 30, p.621-626, (1994)
Diffuse interface model of volume nucleation in glasses, Gránásy, László , Thermochimica Acta, Volume 267, p.1-18, (1995)
Heterogeneous nucleation of/on nanoparticles: a density functional study using the phase-field crystal model, Gránásy, László, Podmaniczky Frigyes, Tóth Gyula, Tegze György, and Pusztai Tamás , Chemical Society Reviews, Volume 43, Issue 7, p.2159-2173, (2014)
Physical Phenomena Governing Mineral Morphogenesis in Molluscan Nacre, Gránásy, László, Rátkai László, Zlotnikov Igor, and Pusztai Tamás , Small, (2023)
Phase-field crystal modeling of nucleation including homogeneous and heterogeneous processes, and growth front nucleation, Gránásy, László, Podmaniczky Frigyes, and Tóth Gyula , Collection of Extended Abstracts, Frontiers in Solidification, TMS Annual Meeting, eds. W. Kurz, J. Dantzig, A. Karma, J. Hoyt (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), p.23-26, (2016)
Phase selection and transformation kinetics in KC60, Gránásy, László, Pekker S, Chauvet O, and Forró L , Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 54, p.11865-11868, (1996)
Solid-liquid interfacial free energy, Gránásy, László, Tegze M, and Ludwig A , Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstrucure and Processing, Volume 133, p.577-580, (1991)
Phase-Field Modeling of Polycrystalline Solidification: From Needle Crystals to Spherulites-A Review, Gránásy, László, Rátkai László, Szállás Attila, Korbuly Bálint, Tóth Gyula, Környei László, and Pusztai Tamás , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 45, Issue 4, p.1694-1719, (2014)
Nucleation and spinodal decompositionStructure development in condensed matter, Gránásy, László , p.67-106, (1997)
Phase field theory of crystal nucleation in hard sphere liquid, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, Tóth Gyula, Jurek Z, Conti M, and Kvamme Bjørn , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 119, p.10376-10382, (2003)
Quantitative analysis of the classical nucleation theory on glass forming alloys, Gránásy, László , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 156-158, p.514-518, (1993)
Phase-field crystal modelling of crystal nucleation, heteroepitaxy and patterning, Gránásy, László, Tegze György, Tóth Gyula, and Pusztai Tamás , Philosophical Magazine, Volume 91, Issue 1, p.123-149, (2011)
Modelling polycrystalline solidification using phase field theory, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and Warren James A. , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 16, Issue 41, p.R1205-R1235, (2004)
Diffuse interface approach to crystal nucleation, Gránásy, László , Materials Science Forum, Volume 215-216, p.451-458, (1996)
Cahn-Hilliard theory with triple-parabolic free energy: II. Nucleation, growth in the presence of a metastable crystalline phase, Gránásy, László, and Oxtoby DW , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 112, p.2410-2419, (2000)
Polikristályos megszilárdulás térelméleti modellezése (Field theoretic modeling of polycrystalline solidification), Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and Börzsönyi T , Fizikai Szemle, Volume 55, p.203-211, (2005)
Crystal nucleation and growth in binary phase-field theory, Gránásy, László, Börzsönyi T, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 237-239, p.1813-1817, (2002)
Polycrystalline patterns in far-from-equilibrium freezing: a phase field study, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, Börzsönyi T, Tóth Gyula, Tegze György, Warren James A., and Douglas Jack F. , Philosophical Magazine, Volume 86, p.3757-3778, (2006)
Nucleation: free energy of small clusters, Gránásy, László , International Journal of Non-Equilibrium Processing, Volume 11, p.113-139, (1998)
Comparison of the local environments of 57Fe in amorphous and crystalline (Ni-Fe)B alloys, Gránásy, László, Gy Faigel, A Lovas, Sasvári J, and I Vincze , Application of The Mössbauer Effect, p.1307-1311, (1985)
Nucleation theory for diffuse interfaces, Gránásy, László , Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstrucure and Processing, Volume 178, p.121-124, (1994)
Diffuse interface approach to crystal nucleation in glasses, Gránásy, László, and Herlach DM , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 192-193, p.470-473, (1995)
Fundamentals of the diffuse interface theory, Gránásy, László , Journal of Physical Chemistry Us, Volume 100, p.10768-10770, (1996)
The influence of thermal history on the physical properties of metallic glasses, Gránásy, László, A Lovas, and Kemény T , Proceedings of The Conference On Metallic Glasses : Science and Technology, p.197-202, (1981)
Semiempirical Cahn-Hilliard theory of vapor condensation with triple parabolic free energy., Gránásy, László, Jurek Z, and Oxtoby DW , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 534, p.245-248, (2000)
