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A general mechanism of polycrystalline growth, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, Börzsönyi T, Warren James A., and Douglas Jack F. , Nature Materials, Volume 3, Issue 9, p.645-650, (2004)
The influence of foreign particles in the formation of polycrystalline solidification patterns, JA, Warren, Gránásy László, T Pusztai, Börzsönyi T, G Tegze, and JF Douglas , Symposium On Solidification Processes and Microstructures In Honor of Wilfried Kurz Held At The Tms Annual Meeting, p.379-385, (2004)
Kinetics of solid hydrate formation by carbon dioxide: Phase field theory of hydrate nucleation and magnetic resonance imaging, Kvamme, Bjørn, Graue A, Aspenes E, Kuznetsova T, Gránásy László, Tóth Gyula, and Pusztai Tamás , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 6, p.2327-2334, (2004)
Magnetic properties of superparamagnet/ferromagnet heterostructures, Balogh, J, Csontos M, Kaptás D, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, Swerts J, Vandezande S, Temst K, Van Haesendonck C, and Mihaly G , Physica Status Solidi C-Conferences and Critical Reviews, Volume 1, Issue 12, p.3235-3238, (2004)
Modelling polycrystalline solidification using phase field theory, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and Warren James A. , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 16, Issue 41, p.R1205-R1235, (2004)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys, Hecht, U, Gránásy László, Pusztai Tamás, Böttger B, Apel Markus, Witusiewicz V, Ratke L, DeWilde J, Froyen L, Camel D, et al. , Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in phase field theory, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, Börzsönyi T, Tóth Gyula, Tegze György, A J Warren, and F J Douglas , Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 859, p.76-87, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline solidification in binary phase field theory, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, Börzsönyi T, Warren James A., Kvamme Bjørn, and James PF , Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 45, p.107-115, (2004)
Nucleation and the solid-liquid interfacial free energy, Wu, DT, Gránásy László, and Spaepen F , Mrs Bulletin, Volume 29, p.945-950, (2004)
Phase field models for eutectic solidification, Lewis, D, Pusztai Tamás, Gránásy László, Warren James A., and Boettinger W , Jom-Journal of The Minerals Metals & Materials Society, Volume 56, p.34-39, (2004)
Towards a full dynamic model of CO2 hydrate formation in aqueous solutions: Phase field theory of nucleation and growth, Gránásy, László, T Pusztai, G Tegze, T Kuznetsova, and B Kvamme , Advances In The Study of Gas Hydrates, p.3-18, (2004)
Atomic and magnetic structure of the interface in multilayers, Balogh, J, Kaptás D, Kemény T, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 141-142, Issue 1-4, p.13-20, (2002)
A critical assessment of the classical kinetic approach to nucleation and growth, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and James PF , Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 43C, p.270-280, (2002)
Crystal growth and classical nucleation theory, MC, Weinberg, WH Poisl, and Gránásy László , Comptes Rendus Chimie, Volume 5, Issue 11, p.765-771, (2002)
Crystal nucleation and growth in binary phase-field theory, Gránásy, László, Börzsönyi T, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 237-239, p.1813-1817, (2002)
Diffuse interface analysis of crystal nucleation in hard-sphere liquid, Gránásy, László, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.10121-11124, (2002)
Interface magnetoresistance of Fe/Ag multilayers, Balogh, J, Vincze I, Kaptás D, Kemény T, Pusztai Tamás, Kiss LF, Szilagyi E, Zolnai Z, Kezsmarki I, Halbritter A, et al. , Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, Volume 189, Issue 3, p.621-624, (2002)
Interfacial properties deduced from nucleation experiments: A Cahn-Hilliard analysis, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and James PF , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.6157-6168, (2002)
Jahn-Teller distortion in Cs4C60 studied by vibrational spectroscopy, Kamarás, K, Klupp G, Borondics F, Gránásy László, and Oszlányi G , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 633, p.55-58, (2002)
Nucleation and bulk crystallization in binary phase field theory, Gránásy, László, Börzsönyi T, and Pusztai Tamás , Physical Review Letters, Volume 88, Issue 20, (2002)
