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Phase-field theory of multicomponent incompressible Cahn-Hilliard liquids,
, Physical Review E, 01/2016, Volume 93, p.013126, (2016)
A Physically Consistent Multiphase-Field Theory of First Order Phase Transitions,
, Collection of Extended Abstracts, Frontiers in Solidification, TMS Annual Meeting, eds. W. Kurz, J. Dantzig, A. Karma, J. Hoyt (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), p.73-76, (2016)
Analysis of Ginzburg-Landau-type models of surfactant-assisted liquid phase separation,
, Physical Review E, 03/2015, Volume 91, Issue 3, p.032404, (2015)
Phase field modelling of spinodal decomposition in the oil/water/asphaltene system,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 17, Issue 31, p.20259-20273, (2015)
Phase field modeling of CH4 hydrate conversion into CO2 hydrate in the presence of liquid CO2,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 9, p.3104-3111, (2007)
Phase field modeling of the conversion of methane hydrate into carbon dioxide hydrate,
, Wseas Transactions On Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 4, p.27-29, (2007)
Multi-scale approach to CO2-hydrate formation in aqueous solution: Phase field theory and molecular dynamics. Nucleation and growth,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 124, p.234710, (2006)
The phase field theory applied to CO2 and CH4 hydrate,
, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 287, Issue 2, p.486-490, (2006)
Hydrate sealing effects related to storage of CO2 in cold reservoir,
, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference On Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 5, p.1811-1815, (2005)
The influence of diffusion on hydrate growth,
, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Volume 26, p.534-538, (2005)
Modeling the dissociation of carbon dioxide and methane hydrate using the phase field theory,
, Lecture Series On Computer and Computational Sciences, Volume 4A-4B, p.542-545, (2005)
Kinetics of solid hydrate formation by carbon dioxide: Phase field theory of hydrate nucleation and magnetic resonance imaging,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 6, p.2327-2334, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline solidification in binary phase field theory,
, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 45, p.107-115, (2004)
Phase field theory of crystal nucleation in hard sphere liquid,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 119, p.10376-10382, (2003)