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Classical density functional theory methods in soft and hard matter PREFACE, Haataja, Mikko, Gránásy László, and Löwen Hartmut , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 22, Issue 36, p.360301, (2010)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys, Hecht, U, Gránásy László, Pusztai Tamás, Böttger B, Apel Markus, Witusiewicz V, Ratke L, DeWilde J, Froyen L, Camel D, et al. , Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008), Hecht, U, Gránásy László, Pusztai Tamás, Böttger B, Apel Markus, Witusiewicz V, Ratke L, De Wilde J, Froyen L, Camel D, et al. , Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
Growth control of peptide-nanotube spherulitic films: Experiments and simulations, Hendler, Netta, Mentovich Elad, Korbuly Bálint, Pusztai Tamás, Gránásy László, and Richter Shachar , Nano Research, 11/2015, Volume 8, Issue 11, p.3630-3638, (2015)
Self-similarity and coarsening rate of a convecting bicontinuous phase separating mixture: Effect of the viscosity contrast, Henry, Hervé, and György Tegze , Phys. Rev. Fluids, Volume 3, Issue 7, p.074306, (2018)
Kinetics of coarsening have dramatic effects on the microstructure: Self-similarity breakdown induced by viscosity contrast, Henry, Hervé, and Tegze György , Phys. Rev. E, Volume 100, Issue 1, p.013116, (2019)
Undercooled melts: science, technology and applicationUtilisation of the International Space Station 2, Herlach, DM, Bender W, Gránásy László, Garcia-Escorial A, Greer AL, Kolb M, Kurz W, Löser W, Ludwig A, Sahm PR, et al. , p.315-322, (1999)
The influence of foreign particles in the formation of polycrystalline solidification patterns, JA, Warren, Gránásy László, T Pusztai, Börzsönyi T, G Tegze, and JF Douglas , Symposium On Solidification Processes and Microstructures In Honor of Wilfried Kurz Held At The Tms Annual Meeting, p.379-385, (2004)
Influence of production process on metallic glasses as seen by positron annihilation, Kajcsos, Zs, L Marczis, Gránásy László, Cs Szeles, D Kiss, A Lovas, and G Bauer , Proceedings of The 6th International Conference Positron Annihilation, p.601-603, (1982)
Imperfection structure of metallic glasses studied by positron annihilation, Kajcsos, Zs, Gránásy László, Kemény T, É KisdiKoszó, Kiss LF, Konczos G, LOVAS A, Marczis L, Szeles Cs, Vértes A, et al. , Positron Annihilation, p.921-923, (1985)
Infrared and differential-scanning-calorimetry study of the room-temperature cubic phase of RbC60, Kamarás, K, Gránásy László, Tanner DB, and Forró L , Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 52, p.11488-11491, (1995)
Jahn-Teller distortion in Cs4C60 studied by vibrational spectroscopy, Kamarás, K, Klupp G, Borondics F, Gránásy László, and Oszlányi G , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 633, p.55-58, (2002)
TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE IRON HYPERFINE FIELD DISTRIBUTION IN AMORPHOUS FE-RICH FE-ZR ALLOYS, Kaptás, D, Kemény T, Balogh J, Kiss LF, Gránásy László, and Vincze I , Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 94, p.1861-1865, (1994)
MAGNETIC DISORDER IN AMORPHOUS FE-RICH FE-ZR ALLOYS, Kaptás, D, Kemény T, Kiss LF, Gránásy László, Balogh J, and Vincze I , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 156-158, p.336-339, (1993)
Magnetic properties of melt-quenched amorphous Fe-2(B1-yZry) (0 <= y <= 0.55), Kaptás, D, Kemény T, Balogh J, Bujdosó L, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, and Vincze I , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 11, Issue 15, p.L65-L70, (1999)
Anomalous magnetic properties of the nano-size residual amorphous phase in nanocrystals, Kaptás, D, Kemény T, Balogh J, Bujdosó L, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, and Vincze I , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 11, Issue 17, p.L179-L185, (1999)
MAGNETIC CLUSTER RELAXATION IN AMORPHOUS FE-ZR ALLOYS, Kaptás, D, Kemény T, Kiss LF, Balogh J, Gránásy László, and Vincze I , Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 46, p.6600-6602, (1992)
Microscopic study of the magnetic coupling in a nanocrystalline soft magnet, Kemény, T, Kaptás D, Balogh J, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, and Vincze I , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 11, p.2841-2847, (1999)
Inter-grain coupling in nanocrystalline soft magnets, Kemény, T, Balogh J, Farkas I, Kaptás D, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, Tóth L, and Vincze I , Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 10, Issue 14, p.L221-L227, (1998)
The composition dependence of the structural and magnetic properties in Fe92-xBxZr7Cu1 nanocrystals, Kemény, T, Kaptás D, Kiss LF, Pusztai Tamás, Balogh J, and Vincze I , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 215, p.268-271, (2000)
Thermal stability and crystallization of transition metal-boron metallic glasses, Kemény, T, Vincze I, Balogh J, Gránásy László, Fogarassy B, Hajdu F, and Sváb E , Proceedings of The Conference On Metallic Glasses : Science and Technology, p.231-238, (1981)
THE EVALUATION OF KINETIC-PARAMETERS FROM NON-ISOTHERMAL EXPERIMENTS - APPLICATION TO CRYSTALLIZATION KINETICS, Kemény, T, and Gránásy László , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 68, Issue 2-3, p.193-202, (1984)
LOCAL-STRUCTURE OF AMORPHOUS (NI,FE)-ZR ALLOYS, Kemény, T, Gránásy László, LOVAS A, and Vincze I , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 117, p.168-171, (1990)
Magnetic properties and local structure of Fe-Zr-B-Cu nanocrystalline alloys, Kemény, T, Varga LK, Kiss LF, Balogh J, Pusztai Tamás, Tóth L, and Vincze I , Materials Science Forum, Volume 269-272, Issue 1, p.419-424, (1998)
Cluster size from X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements in Fe-Ag multilayers and FeZrBCu nanocrystals, Kiss, LF, Balogh J, Bujdosó L, Kaptás D, Kemény T, Pusztai Tamás, and Vincze I , Materials Science Forum, Volume 360-362, p.505-512, (2001)
CLUSTER SPIN-GLASS MODEL FOR AMORPHOUS FE-ZR ALLOYS NEAR THE CRITICAL CONCENTRATION - A MAGNETIZATION STUDY, Kiss, LF, Kemeny TR, Vincze I, and Gránásy László , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 135, p.161-170, (1994)
Grain coarsening in two-dimensional phase-field models with an orientation field, Korbuly, Bálint, Pusztai Tamás, Henry Hervé, Plapp Mathis, Apel Markus, and Gránásy László , Physical Review E, Volume 95, p.053303, (2017)
Orientation-field models for polycrystalline solidification: grain coarsening and complex growth forms, Korbuly, Bálint, Pusztai Tamás, Tóth Gyula, Henry Hervé, Plapp Mathis, and Gránásy László , Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 457, p.37, (2017)
