
Found 209 results
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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is G and Author is László Gránásy  [Clear All Filters]
A critical assessment of the classical kinetic approach to nucleation and growth, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and James PF , Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 43C, p.270-280, (2002)
Crystal growth and classical nucleation theory, MC, Weinberg, WH Poisl, and Gránásy László , Comptes Rendus Chimie, Volume 5, Issue 11, p.765-771, (2002)
Crystal nucleation and growth in binary phase-field theory, Gránásy, László, Börzsönyi T, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 237-239, p.1813-1817, (2002)
Diffuse interface analysis of crystal nucleation in hard-sphere liquid, Gránásy, László, and Pusztai Tamás , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.10121-11124, (2002)
Interfacial properties deduced from nucleation experiments: A Cahn-Hilliard analysis, Gránásy, László, Pusztai Tamás, and James PF , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.6157-6168, (2002)
Jahn-Teller distortion in Cs4C60 studied by vibrational spectroscopy, Kamarás, K, Klupp G, Borondics F, Gránásy László, and Oszlányi G , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 633, p.55-58, (2002)
Nucleation and bulk crystallization in binary phase field theory, Gránásy, László, Börzsönyi T, and Pusztai Tamás , Physical Review Letters, Volume 88, Issue 20, (2002)
Analytical density functional theory of homogeneous vapor condensation, Gránásy, László, Jurek Z, and Oxtoby DW , Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 62, p.7486-7489, (2000)
Cahn-Hilliard theory with triple-parabolic free energy: I. Nucleation, growth of a stable crystalline phase, Gránásy, László, and Oxtoby DW , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 112, p.2399-2409, (2000)
Cahn-Hilliard theory with triple-parabolic free energy: II. Nucleation, growth in the presence of a metastable crystalline phase, Gránásy, László, and Oxtoby DW , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 112, p.2410-2419, (2000)
Comparison of modern theories of vapor condensation, Gránásy, László , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 534, p.209-212, (2000)
Custom-made dendrites? The effect of time-periodic forcing, Gránásy, László, Börzsönyi T, Tóth-Katona T, and Á Buka , Materials Development and Processing - Bulk Amorphous Materials, Undercooling and Powder Metallurgy, p.123-129, (2000)
Fizikai Laboratóriumi Gyakorlatok I-II. (Physics Laboratory Practices I-II)., Bortel, G, Fülöp F, Gránásy László, Jákli A, Mezei M, Nagy T T. -, Tóth A, and Vannay L , (2000)
Nucleation, growth in cluster dynamics: A quantitative test of the classical kinetic approach, Gránásy, László, and James PF , Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 113, p.9810-9821, (2000)
Regular dendritic patterns in liquid crystals induced by non-local time-periodic forcing., Börzsönyi, T, Tóth-Katona T, A Buka, and Gránásy László , Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 62, p.7817-7827, (2000)
Regular dendritic patterns in liquid crystals induced by non-local time-periodic forcing, Tóth-Katona, T, Börzsönyi T, Gránásy László, and Á Buka , Forma, Volume 15, p.321-328, (2000)
Semiempirical Cahn-Hilliard theory of vapor condensation with triple parabolic free energy., Gránásy, László, Jurek Z, and Oxtoby DW , Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 534, p.245-248, (2000)
Study and modelling of nucleation and phase selection phenomena: Application to refractory metals and alloys from drop-tube processing., Vinet, B, Berne C, Desré PJ, Fecht HJ, Fredriksson H, Gránásy László, Greer AL, Hermann R, Löser W, Magnusson L, et al. , First International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications In Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, p.1123-1130, (2000)
Study and modelling of nucleation and phase selection phenomena in undercooled melts: Application to magnetic alloys of industrial relevance, Löser, W, Hermann R, Volkmann TH, Herlach DM, Mullis A, Gránásy László, Vinet B, and Matson D , First International Symposium On Microgravity Research & Applications In Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, p.663-668, (2000)
