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Phase field benchmark problems for nucleation,
, Computational Materials Science, Volume 193, p.110371, (2021)
Silver environment and covalent network rearrangement in GeS3-Ag glasses,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 25, Issue 45, (2013)
The Cu and Te coordination environments in Cu-doped Ge-Te glasses,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 151, Issue 21, p.1524-1527, (2011)
Microscopic origin of demixing in Ge(20)Se(x)Te(80-x) alloys,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 17, p.5190-5194, (2011)
Diffusion-controlled anisotropic growth of stable and metastable crystal polymorphs in the phase-field crystal model,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 103, p.035702, (2009)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
The influence of foreign particles in the formation of polycrystalline solidification patterns,
, Symposium On Solidification Processes and Microstructures In Honor of Wilfried Kurz Held At The Tms Annual Meeting, p.379-385, (2004)
The influence of foreign particles in the formation of polycrystalline solidification patterns,
, Symposium On Solidification Processes and Microstructures In Honor of Wilfried Kurz Held At The Tms Annual Meeting, p.379-385, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in phase field theory,
, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 859, p.76-87, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in phase field theory,
, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 859, p.76-87, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline solidification in binary phase field theory,
, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 45, p.107-115, (2004)
Phase field theory of crystal nucleation in hard sphere liquid,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 119, p.10376-10382, (2003)
A critical assessment of the classical kinetic approach to nucleation and growth,
, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 43C, p.270-280, (2002)
Interfacial properties deduced from nucleation experiments: A Cahn-Hilliard analysis,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 117, p.6157-6168, (2002)
Analytical density functional theory of homogeneous vapor condensation,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 62, p.7486-7489, (2000)
Nucleation, growth in cluster dynamics: A quantitative test of the classical kinetic approach,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 113, p.9810-9821, (2000)
Semiempirical Cahn-Hilliard theory of vapor condensation with triple parabolic free energy.,
, Aip Conference Proceedings, Volume 534, p.245-248, (2000)
Non-classical theory of crystal nucleation: Application to oxide glasses: Review,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 253, p.210-230, (1999)
Transient nucleation in oxide glasses: The effect of interface dynamics and subcritical cluster population,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 111, p.737-749, (1999)
Kinetics of wollastonite nucleation in CaOSiO2 glass,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 108, p.7317-7326, (1998)
Nucleation in oxide glasses: comparison of theory and experiment,
, Proceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Volume 454, p.1745-1766, (1998)
Enthalpies of phase transformations in the alkali fulleride RbC60,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 97, p.573-578, (1996)
Differential scanning calorimetry of dimerization and polymerization in the alkali fulleride RbC60,
, Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.331-334, (1995)
Dimerization in K1C60 and Rb1C60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 51, Issue 18, p.12228-12232, (1995)
Distribution of K ions in intermediate KC60,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter, Volume 52, Issue 5, p.3199-3205, (1995)
Polymorphism of fulleride ions in A1C60 (A=K, Rb, Cs) salts,
, Proceedings of The Symposium On Recent Advances In The Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, p.245-258, (1995)
Structural and physical properties of intermediate K1C60,
, Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives: Proceedings of The International Winterschool On Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, p.327-330, (1995)