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Ultrafine Fe-Fe2Ti eutectics by directed energy deposition: Insights into microstructure formation based on experimental techniques and phase field modelling,
, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 33, p.101133, (2020)
Ultrafine Fe-Fe2Ti eutectics by directed energy deposition: Insights into microstructure formation based on experimental techniques and phase field modelling,
, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 33, p.101133, (2020)
Silver environment and covalent network rearrangement in GeS3-Ag glasses,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 25, Issue 45, (2013)
The Cu and Te coordination environments in Cu-doped Ge-Te glasses,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 151, Issue 21, p.1524-1527, (2011)
Microscopic origin of demixing in Ge(20)Se(x)Te(80-x) alloys,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 17, p.5190-5194, (2011)
Microscopic origin of demixing in Ge(20)Se(x)Te(80-x) alloys,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 17, p.5190-5194, (2011)
Microscopic origin of demixing in Ge(20)Se(x)Te(80-x) alloys,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 17, p.5190-5194, (2011)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008),
, Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
Advanced operator-splitting-based semi-implicit spectral method to solve the binary phase-field crystal equation with variable coefficients,
, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 228, Issue 5, p.1612-1623, (2009)
Phase-field approach to polycrystalline solidification including heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 20, Issue 40, p.404205, (2008)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Komplex kristálymorfológiák modellezése három dimenzióban,
, Fizikai Szemle, Volume 56, p.412-415, (2006)
Multi-scale approach to CO2-hydrate formation in aqueous solution: Phase field theory and molecular dynamics. Nucleation and growth,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 124, p.234710, (2006)
The phase field theory applied to CO2 and CH4 hydrate,
, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 287, Issue 2, p.486-490, (2006)
Phase field theory of crystal nucleation and polyerystalline growth: A review,
, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 21, Issue 2, p.309-319, (2006)
Phase field theory of nucleation and polycrystalline pattern formation,
, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, p.525-572, (2006)
Phase field theory of polycrystalline freezing in three dimensions,
, Proceedings of Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes - Xi, p.409-416, (2006)
Polycrystalline patterns in far-from-equilibrium freezing: a phase field study,
, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 86, p.3757-3778, (2006)
Hydrate sealing effects related to storage of CO2 in cold reservoir,
, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference On Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 5, p.1811-1815, (2005)
Phase field modeling of polycrystalline freezing,
, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstrucure and Processing, Volume 413-414, p.412-417, (2005)
Phase field theory of polycrystalline solidification in three dimensions,
, Europhysics Letters, Volume 71, p.131-137, (2005)
Polikristályos megszilárdulás térelméleti modellezése (Field theoretic modeling of polycrystalline solidification),
, Fizikai Szemle, Volume 55, p.203-211, (2005)
Tailoring Fe/Ag superparamagnetic composites by multilayer deposition,
, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 87, Issue 10, (2005)
A general mechanism of polycrystalline growth,
, Nature Materials, Volume 3, Issue 9, p.645-650, (2004)
The influence of foreign particles in the formation of polycrystalline solidification patterns,
, Symposium On Solidification Processes and Microstructures In Honor of Wilfried Kurz Held At The Tms Annual Meeting, p.379-385, (2004)
Magnetic properties of superparamagnet/ferromagnet heterostructures,
, Physica Status Solidi C-Conferences and Critical Reviews, Volume 1, Issue 12, p.3235-3238, (2004)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys,
, Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in phase field theory,
, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Volume 859, p.76-87, (2004)