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Phase-Field Modeling of Solidification in Light-Metal Matrix Nanocomposites,
, Magnesium Technology 2014, p.455-459, (2014)
Helikális mintázat eutektikus ötvözetekben. [Helical patterns in eutectic alloys],
, Fizikai Szemle, Volume 63, Issue 10, p.333-337, (2013)
Spiraling eutectic dendrites,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 87, Issue 3, p.032401, (2013)
Heterogeneous Crystal Nucleation: The Effect of Lattice Mismatch,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 108, Issue 2, p.025502, (2012)
Phase-field crystal modeling of homogeneous and heterogeneous crystal nucleation,
, Solidification of Containerless Undercooled Melts, p.113-138, (2012)
Phase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview,
, Advances In Physics, Volume 61, Issue 6, p.665-743, (2012)
Amorphous Nucleation Precursor in Highly Nonequilibrium Fluids,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 107, Issue 17, p.175702, (2011)
Faceting and Branching in 2D Crystal Growth,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 106, Issue 19, p.195502, (2011)
Ginzburg-Landau-type multiphase field model for competing fcc and bcc nucleation,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 106, Issue 4, p.045701, (2011)
Phase-field crystal modelling of crystal nucleation, heteroepitaxy and patterning,
, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 91, Issue 1, p.123-149, (2011)
Selected issues of phase-field crystal simulations,
, European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 126, Issue 10, p.102, (2011)
Tuning the structure of non-equilibrium soft materials by varying the thermodynamic driving force for crystal ordering,
, Soft Matter, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.1789-1799, (2011)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008),
, Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
Classical density functional theory methods in soft and hard matter PREFACE,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 22, Issue 36, p.360301, (2010)
Polymorphism, crystal nucleation and growth in the phase-field crystal model in 2D and 3D,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 22, Issue 36, p.364101, (2010)
Advanced operator-splitting-based semi-implicit spectral method to solve the binary phase-field crystal equation with variable coefficients,
, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 228, Issue 5, p.1612-1623, (2009)
Crystal nucleation in the hard-sphere system revisited: Critical test of theoretical approaches,
, Journal of Physical Chemistry B - Condensed Matter Materials Surfaces Interfaces and Biophysical, Volume 113, Issue 15, p.5141-5148, (2009)
Diffusion-controlled anisotropic growth of stable and metastable crystal polymorphs in the phase-field crystal model,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 103, p.035702, (2009)
Phase field approach to heterogeneous nucleation in alloys,
, Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Volume 79, p.014204, (2009)
Shear enhanced heterogeneous nucleation in some Mg- and Al-alloys,
, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Volume 22, Issue 1-4, p.318-322, (2009)
Nucleation and phase selection in undercooled melts: Magnetic alloys of industrial relevance (MAGNEPHAS),
, Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, Volume 25, Issue 3, p.495-500, (2008)
Phase-field approach to polycrystalline solidification including heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 20, Issue 40, p.404205, (2008)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Phase field modeling of CH4 hydrate conversion into CO2 hydrate in the presence of liquid CO2,
, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 9, p.3104-3111, (2007)
Phase field modeling of the conversion of methane hydrate into carbon dioxide hydrate,
, Wseas Transactions On Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 4, p.27-29, (2007)
Phase field theory of heterogeneous crystal nucleation,
, Physical Review Letters, Volume 98, Issue 3, p.035703, (2007)
Phase field theory of interfaces and crystal nucleation in a eutectic system of fcc structure: II. Nucleation in the metastable liquid immiscibility region,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 127, p.074710, (2007)
Phase field theory of interfaces and crystal nucleation in a eutectic system of fcc structure: I. Transitions in the one-phase liquid region,
, Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 127, p.074709, (2007)
From needle crystals to polycrystalline spherulites: a phase field study,
, Proceedings of Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes - Xi, p.15-24, (2006)
Komplex kristálymorfológiák modellezése három dimenzióban,
, Fizikai Szemle, Volume 56, p.412-415, (2006)