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Phase-field modelling of directional melting of lamellar and rod eutectic structures,
, Acta Materialia, Volume 227, p.117678, (2022)
Phase-Field Modeling of Biomineralization in Mollusks and Corals: Microstructure vs Formation Mechanism,
, JACS Au, Volume 1, Issue 7, p.1014-1033, (2021)
Ultrafine Fe-Fe2Ti eutectics by directed energy deposition: Insights into microstructure formation based on experimental techniques and phase field modelling,
, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 33, p.101133, (2020)
Ultrafine Fe-Fe2Ti eutectics by directed energy deposition: Insights into microstructure formation based on experimental techniques and phase field modelling,
, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 33, p.101133, (2020)
Crystal growth kinetics as an architectural constraint on the evolution of molluscan shells,
, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 116, Issue 41, p.20388-20397, (2019)
Phase-field lattice Boltzmann model for dendrites growing and moving in melt flow,
, npj Computational Materials, Volume 5, p.113, (2019)
Phase-field modeling of crystal nucleation in undercooled liquids - A review,
, Progress in Materials Science, (2019)
Phase-field modeling of eutectic structures on the nanoscale: the effect of anisotropy,
, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 52, Issue 10, p. 5544-5558, (2017)
Growth control of peptide-nanotube spherulitic films: Experiments and simulations,
, Nano Research, 11/2015, Volume 8, Issue 11, p.3630-3638, (2015)
Ternary eutectic dendrites: Pattern formation and scaling properties,
, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 142, p.154501, (2015)
Phase-Field Modeling of Polycrystalline Solidification: From Needle Crystals to Spherulites-A Review,
, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Volume 45, Issue 4, p.1694-1719, (2014)
Phase-Field Modeling of Solidification in Light-Metal Matrix Nanocomposites,
, Magnesium Technology 2014, p.455-459, (2014)
Helikális mintázat eutektikus ötvözetekben. [Helical patterns in eutectic alloys],
, Fizikai Szemle, Volume 63, Issue 10, p.333-337, (2013)
Silver environment and covalent network rearrangement in GeS3-Ag glasses,
, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Volume 25, Issue 45, (2013)
Spiraling eutectic dendrites,
, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, Volume 87, Issue 3, p.032401, (2013)
The Cu and Te coordination environments in Cu-doped Ge-Te glasses,
, Solid State Communications, Volume 151, Issue 21, p.1524-1527, (2011)
Microscopic origin of demixing in Ge(20)Se(x)Te(80-x) alloys,
, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 17, p.5190-5194, (2011)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008),
, Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
Advances of and by phase-field modelling in condensed-matter physics (vol 57, pg 1, 2008),
, Advances In Physics, Volume 59, Issue 3, p.257-259, (2010)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Lead-free bearing alloys for engine applications results of the ESA-MAP project MONOPHAS,
, Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals, Volume 60, p.103-111, (2007)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys,
, Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys,
, Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports, Volume 46, Issue 1-2, p.1-49, (2004)
Surface roughness in Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer films studied by AFM and X-ray diffraction,
, Supramolecular Science, Volume 4, Issue 3-4, p.215-218, (1997)
Diffuse interface model of bulk heterogeneous nucleation,
, Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 31, p.601-606, (1994)
, Scripta Metallurgica Et Materialia, Volume 31, Issue 10, p.1443-1443, (1994)