György Tegze, PhD
senior researcher tegze [pont] turpi [kukac] gmail [pont] comPublications
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of droplet formation by Rayleigh–Taylor instability in multiphase corium
R. Zanella, R. Le Tellier, Mathis Plapp, György Tegze, Hervé HenryOrientational order in dense suspensions of elliptical particles in the non-Stokesian regime
György Tegze, Frigyes Podmaniczky, Ellák Somfai, Börzsönyi Tamás, László GránásyKinetics of coarsening have dramatic effects on the microstructure: Self-similarity breakdown induced by viscosity contrast
Hervé Henry, György TegzePhase-field modeling of crystal nucleation in undercooled liquids - A review
László Gránásy, Gyula Tóth, James A. Warren, Frigyes Podmaniczky, György Tegze, László Rátkai, Tamás PusztaiHydrodynamic theory of freezing: Nucleation and polycrystalline growth
Frigyes Podmaniczky, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, László GránásyPhase-field crystal modeling of heteroepitaxy and exotic modes of crystal nucleation
Frigyes Podmaniczky, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, Tamás Pusztai, László GránásyRecent Developments in Modeling Heteroepitaxy/Heterogeneous Nucleation by Dynamical Density Functional Theory
Frigyes Podmaniczky, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, László GránásyHeterogeneous nucleation of/on nanoparticles: a density functional study using the phase-field crystal model
László Gránásy, Frigyes Podmaniczky, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, Tamás PusztaiNonlinear hydrodynamic theory of crystallization
Gyula Tóth, László Gránásy, György TegzeHeterogeneous Crystal Nucleation: The Effect of Lattice Mismatch
Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, Tamás Pusztai, László GránásyPhase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview
Heike Emmerich, Hartmut Löwen, Raphael Wittkowski, Thomas Gruhn, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, László GránásyAmorphous Nucleation Precursor in Highly Nonequilibrium Fluids
Gyula Tóth, Tamás Pusztai, György Tegze, Gergely Tóth, László GránásyFaceting and Branching in 2D Crystal Growth
György Tegze, Gyula Tóth, László GránásyTuning the structure of non-equilibrium soft materials by varying the thermodynamic driving force for crystal ordering
György Tegze, László Gránásy, Gyula Tóth, Jack F. Douglas, Tamás PusztaiPhase-field crystal modelling of crystal nucleation, heteroepitaxy and patterning
László Gránásy, György Tegze, Gyula Tóth, Tamás PusztaiPolymorphism, crystal nucleation and growth in the phase-field crystal model in 2D and 3D
Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, Tamás Pusztai, Gergely Tóth, László GránásyDiffusion-controlled anisotropic growth of stable and metastable crystal polymorphs in the phase-field crystal model
György Tegze, László Gránásy, Gyula Tóth, Frigyes Podmaniczky, A Jaatinen, T Ala-Nissila, Tamás PusztaiAdvanced operator-splitting-based semi-implicit spectral method to solve the binary phase-field crystal equation with variable coefficients
György Tegze, Gurvinder Bansel, Gyula Tóth, Tamás Pusztai, Zhongyun Fan, László GránásyPhase-field approach to polycrystalline solidification including heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleation
Tamás Pusztai, György Tegze, Gyula Tóth, László Környei, Gurvinder Bansel, Zhongyun Fan, László GránásyPhase field modeling of CH4 hydrate conversion into CO2 hydrate in the presence of liquid CO2
György Tegze, László Gránásy, Bjørn Kvamme
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Phase field modeling of the conversion of methane hydrate into carbon dioxide hydrate
György Tegze, László Gránásy, Bjørn Kvamme
Wseas Transactions On Heat and Mass Transfer
Polycrystalline patterns in far-from-equilibrium freezing: a phase field study
László Gránásy, Tamás Pusztai, T Börzsönyi, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, James A. Warren, Jack F. DouglasPhase field theory of liquid phase separation and solidification with melt flow
György Tegze, László Gránásy
Proceedings of Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes - Xi
Multi-scale approach to CO2-hydrate formation in aqueous solution: Phase field theory and molecular dynamics. Nucleation and growth
György Tegze, Tamás Pusztai, Gyula Tóth, László Gránásy, A Svandal, T Buanes, T Kuznetsova, Bjørn KvammePhase field theory of crystal nucleation and polyerystalline growth: A review
László Gránásy, Tamás Pusztai, T Börzsönyi, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, James A. Warren, Jack F. DouglasOn the growth and form of spherulites
László Gránásy, Tamás Pusztai, György Tegze, James A. Warren, Jack F. Douglas
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics
Phase field simulation of liquid phase separation with fluid flow
György Tegze, Tamás Pusztai, László Gránásy
Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstrucure and Processing
Nucleation and polycrystalline growth in phase field theory
László Gránásy, Tamás Pusztai, T Börzsönyi, Gyula Tóth, György Tegze, Warren J, Douglas J
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings